Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Sunday, June 25, 2006


So I am another year older..and although i don't look it or feel it--i hate the number. The number means I've been alive that long which is great but good lord sometimes it seems so horrible to think of how fast life has gone..and you just want to put it on pause awhile so you can stay a certain age longer..and watch your kids stay young longer instead of turning into someone taller than yourself--how does it happen?


At 3:40 PM PDT, Blogger LZ Blogger said...

Boy... you GOT me! I don't know either! ~ jb///

At 7:56 AM PDT, Blogger Green tea said...

Happy Belated Birthday Misty..You are still a youngun, enjoy these years..they will fly by and one day you look in a mirror and see your mother..or aunt looking back..*laughing*

GiGi from Mn.


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