as my mind skips through the past couple days..
So I am a Tour de France Widow. Well not really. Just that when he can, he's keeping up with what's going on. He rides in local races himself, and was a big Lance fan. He reads the cycling magazines..I have to say I like it better than being a football widow..because well-football makes no sense to me and I just don't like the whole concept..Other than the Superbowl Sunday commercials and half time show. Though watching the Tour is not fun for me either..i realize they are all racing but it's a longggggg race and its all boys in cycling shorts to me, just sweating and riding and well. Not very Exciting. More exciting to me when Lance was racing. And Lance broke up with Sheryl Crow which-why? I just don't get that either. At first I thought maybe he was going back with his wife and that would have been a good reason but nope he has not reconciled with his wife. Sadly, more fun for me was watching High School Musical last night finally. My son talked about it because they showed it in school on the last week and I was far too curious to not see it! So last night we watched with him and here were five adults with this twelve year old watching and smirking to ourselves. Because it is kind of cheesy and yet it's cute. Very cute. He didn't talk through this as much as he talked through 8 Below the other night..and I must say I enjoyed 8 below MUCH less. In fact here is my review of 8 Below: PAINFULLY TORTUREOUS. I say this if in fact you are a dog lover as I am. I cannot stand to know of dogs suffering, even if they are actor dogs. Every scene that showed how many days those dogs were left to fend for themselves in Antarctica was like a sword through my heart. So eventually i got out my nail polish and started polishing my toenails because I could not allow myself to emotionally attach too much to those dogs. It kept me from being a basket case and in the end I would say it wasn't a movie I'd put myself through again. People told me "OH it's great!" WELL sure it's great. At the END when the anxiety and pain has stopped! That is the only time it was great!
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