Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Friday, December 29, 2006


Gee I hope Trump doesn't sue me for voicing my opinion. (eyeroll) I haven't had time to post in awhile but this whole Rosie/Trump thing is interesting. Interesting because it's shown me what kind of man he really is. I watched what Rosie said about him the day she said he shouldn't be the moral compass for twenty year olds. Since it's a show called "The View" obviously, its her "view"..and Trump?? He has spoken to several news people and shows..he spends long periods of time repeating that she is fat, a failure, ugly, stupid, etc. etc. Is that how "important" people talk on tv?? WHO does that? Since when does Anderson Cooper give someone 8 minutes to say the words "Fat, stupid and disgusting" over and over? Trump may have money but he obviously was feeling pretty badly about himself to spend that much time dissing Rosie in the way that he has. He is like a seven year old boy who is mad because someone spoke to him negatively. And all he can do is say "Yeah? Well you're fat!"..and "I'll send someone to steal your girlfriend! Nyah Nyah Nyah!".... THAT is the man who has so much money and power??????
Now that my friends is scary. Let's all hold hands and praise God that he is not running for President.


At 7:15 PM PST, Blogger Green tea said...

Well Misty again I agree with you.
Rosie doesn't need the Dump Truck as one of her kid refers to him.
She is just fine..and I think the majority of real people agree with her..
He is a sleaze bag..
Hope you had a great Holidays..
GiGi from Mn

At 7:00 PM PST, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Wishing you all the best in 2007!

Hugs to you,


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