Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Ways to Pass the Time While Recovering from Surgery: Watch marathons of "The Dog Whisperer" on National Geographic Channel. Love this. Watch two episodes of Welcome Back Kotter..I used to watch when I was much younger. Still love every word that comes out of Barberino's mouth :)..Read old journals from highschool and college and be glad your life is not so filled with angst. Read as many job boards as you can because what if you found a job ten times better than what you've got?? Finish up the article you were assigned because heck, you have lots of time to do that now. Send it to the editor and offer to do another! Be excited for Grey's Anatomy because you love it AND you've not left your house in a week so you need some McDreamy storyline..but then you find out they are running repeat episodes due to the World Series. Bummer. Eat some ice cream instead. Check work email three times a day even though you are not at work and need to stop worrying about work. Reaquaint yourself with Luke and Laura who is coming out of a catatonic state and you knew them back when he date raped her on the dance floor as well as rushing home from highschool to see their wedding.Reaquaint yourself with Young and the Restless characters who not only never age but they start dating characters who were kids when you once watched. (Jack and Sharon..HELLO! That's nearly incestuous! Nick and Phyillis ACK! And Victoria with Brad!? How old are these people? All three couples completely different in age..just wrong.) Paint your fingernails a deep dark Midnight Rose color because its in for Fall..and even though you're stuck at home, you don't want to be outdone by Kelly Ripa each morning.


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