Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Getting through

Still trying to make it through..its rough when you are teaching and one student is violent to others..and it takes forever for something to be done. I am not liking this year so far. So I look for the good in my life.. Things like: My husband sending the most beautiful flowers to my work for our family going shopping and spending time together..loving our dogs and closing the pool for the year..making our reservations for a week by the ocean in July..Writing for a magazine even though I have barely any time because writing is part of who I am.. Snuggling with my husband because whenever I ask he will lie down with me and just forget the world.


At 5:53 PM PDT, Blogger Andrew McAllister said...

That's two "wonderful husband" comments in the same post ... good for you, and for him!

And I get what you mean about writing when you don't have the time. People who don't write say "How do you find the time." I always say, "I don't have time, but I do it anyway." They frequently don't get it.
Those are wonderful reasons. Very touching.

To Love, Honor and Dismay

At 9:54 AM PDT, Blogger alan said...

Coming up on the 30 year mark, that is the one constant for us, that act of finding time for one another...

I'm glad you do too!



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