Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Sunday, July 09, 2006


So I saw Pirates of the Caribbean part two--before I read a review. I'm glad because the reviewer gave the movie a D+ and I loved it! I think movie reviews are worthless for the most part. Everyone is so unique in their movie tastes and it seems like a waste of time for me to read a review unless I read it after the fact. If I read it after the fact I can go "Oh wow you did NOT see the same movie i did"..or "Cool. I think so too."...otherwise I don't want to know if someone else thinks it's good or bad--because it ruins it for me. I do think if you loved Pirates part 1 you will love the second one. Orlando Bloom is so easy to watch for two and a half hours and Johnny Depp is still cute with all his grungey pirateness. Plus he wears eyeliner. If you liked the 80's rock bands who wore eyeliner, chances are you will enjoy watching Johnny Depp prance around without ruining his eye make up once. Kiera Knightly wears less makeup than Johnny and she is adorable and sexy at the same time. Loved it. I also saw "The Devil Wears Prada" which is fabulous and well--fab U LOUS!... Lots of eye makeup and clothing in that one too. One of my favorite quotes: "I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight"...:)


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