Life is so busy and that makes me blog much less..I go through spurts of enjoying to blog and then periods where I just don't have the energy to blog. I'm getting my classroom ready, (whatever happened to pencils and paper, chalkboards and books? Now its 320 books for each subject, game pieces, manipulatives, big books, little books, dry erase boards, word cards, picture cards, graphs, math tool kits, math charts, science charts, weather name it. First graders use it!!!! :).. I'm planning the yearly birthday party for my child who is in his last year of double digits before teen years (Lord help me to accept his growing older..), I am trying to get my house completely organized before school starts, I am enjoying books, writing, watching the season 1 DVDs for Lost, Spending time with my bestfriend/husband..and looking at the calendar wondering where summer went..but enjoying these last few weeks of it..Anyway what I'm trying to say is..if I don't blog for awhile-that is why. I'll just keep it here for when the feeling hits me..and time allows me..much love to all.
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