Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Thursday, August 03, 2006

what would Jesus eat?

So there is a diet called "What Would Jesus Eat?" eat only the foods Jesus would have eaten apparently. Fish, salads with oil and vinegar, vegetables and bread and wine. That's all fine and good..but let's be realistic. Jesus only ate those things because there weren't other choices!!! Ben and Jerry's didn't exist. My guess is, if Jesus were around today- he'd be partaking in a little Chunky Monkey from Ben and Jerry's..because walnuts. chocolate. banana flavor?? Heavenly. He'd surely think so too. I am also sure he might need a Grande Mocha Frappuchino from Starbucks or a medium Hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar from Dunkin. In fact I am sure that Jesus would suggest we all partake in a bit of heavenly sugar and chocolate now and then. It's only right.


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