A rockstar

Now this my friends...is a Rockstar..Perhaps the contestants on Rockstar Supernova should take note. Last night they let Chris go. He did actually sing better with his last final song--but still...black nail polish and eyeliner do not make the rockstar. You need to actually be able to sing. Screaming is good but only if you can actually sing and scream in a particular way. Jill Gioia actually looked ten times better last night than she's looked so far--and her Evanessence song was much nicer than her last performance. The spicey black haired girl just doesn't do it for me. She's not a rockstar IMO. After watching last night I've decided my favorite male is Toby and fave female is Patrice so far. Some of these contestants just seem to lack something. Last year I loved JD from day one. This year is just different.. maybe Dave and Brooke should get a room already.
I also agree last years Rock stars were better..but this year I think that Hunky Aussie Toby has stood out from the beginning and as long as he is on I'll keep watching..but the old guy rockers seem to prefer the wierd looking ones with all of the pircings and tatoos
so I don't think he fits what they are looking for.
As for BB I am totally with you, loved last season and suspect they came up with this new show just to bring back the fun group from that show..
I love Kaysar and hope he plays a little bit smarter this year.
Yes Dr. Evil Will looks like he has had something done to his face..can't figure it out either..GiGI from MN.
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