Cherries in the Snow

Someday we'll all be old and I'll be so damn beautiful..

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I saw Britney Spears crying to Matt Lauer about wanting paparazzi to leave her alone. I watched that interview. I even felt badly for her. I actually felt teary eyed when she started to cry and I felt badly that no one had fixed her eye makeup before the filming began. The entire interview her right eye had either a mascara clump or a bad false eye lash job on it. I wanted to yell CUT and reach through the screen and help her. But now she's naked, pregnant naked --on the cover of Harper's Bazaar magazine. Leave me alone but let me pose naked on this magazine cover so that it can be seen in grocery stores, pharmacies and book stores around the country. She just wants her privacy. I just want her to move home with her mom and get some help. Two babies that young are not easy. And she's young herself.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

No more

No more air time for Star. She had her moment. Time to worry about more important Who will come back for Big Brothers All Stars? (Kayser, Kayser!) and What happened to Zoey on Windfall? What will it be like taking my nearly 12 year old son and his friend to see The Black Eyed Peas? How sexy will Jack Sparrow be the second time around? and how many books can I read this summer? and where are these children coming from with grown up voices on America's Got Talent?? And how MANY TALENT shows can a network have at once? Inquiring minds and all. (Inquiring attention deficit minds too) Oh lord. My son is watching America's got talent with me and KY Jelly's Sensual Mist commercial just aired. Nice. Now he's going to be wondering what mist has to do with kissing couples.

Well now

So I guess Star Jones wasn't supposed to have made her announcement as she did yesterday--Barbara Walters was going to go along with letting it seem like Star was moving on with a new chapter in her life. To protect Star-because who wants to go on tv and say "Well they didn't renew my contract dammit!"....So instead Star decided to announce it that way (without the dammit) and I assume for some pity. Someone out there will offer her a job and feel sorry for her I guess. But she really did turn off a lot of the audience with her wedding and weight loss, and not because "Oh my goodness she got skinny and married, I hate her" but because the world revolved around her that entire time and gag me with a spoon is an appropriate response. She obviously wanted her moment yesterday as well. No matter how it made her look. Now they need to fill her slot. Here are some of my choices: 1. Heather from now how cool would that be?? 2. Pink (she's no Stupid Girl) 3. Augusten Burroughs (i know he's a guy but come on. .He's hysterical. Love him..Dresses like a 19 year old and uses 75 dollar wrinkle cream) 4. Jodie Foster. . because I heart her and she's smart..she can't rap but she's smart.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thank you

I just read earlier that Star Jones contract with the View was not renewed. I am glad for that. All that time before her wedding, was when I stopped liking the View. She behaved as if no one on earth had ever been married before or had a wedding. I mean weddings are great and we all can be happy for another but she was over the top with herself. And her book about finding love and losing weight- I wouldn't use it to prop open a door. I think its great that she lost weight but to pretend she got all healthy and dieted when in fact she did not do it that way, seems a little off. I guess I she just rubs me the wrong way and thank God Rosie is joining the View.. PS Currently reading Augusten Burroughs new book "Possible Side Effects"--Love it- it is hysterical..(He wrote Running with Scissors and Dry--LOVE HIM..) This is my autographed copy so I'm not sharing lol but go out and get it--very funny!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


So I am another year older..and although i don't look it or feel it--i hate the number. The number means I've been alive that long which is great but good lord sometimes it seems so horrible to think of how fast life has gone..and you just want to put it on pause awhile so you can stay a certain age longer..and watch your kids stay young longer instead of turning into someone taller than yourself--how does it happen?

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Its my birthday..its my birthday....Hugs to Sara and Heidi-thanks for the wishes. I am going to write more tomorrow.. (have to party like its my birthday!)

Friday, June 23, 2006

I got it

The job! Its gotta go through the system but I know what I'm teaching in the Fall and that is what counts~ I don't want to write it here just yet--its hush hush--and I'm paranoid lol. But I do know and am so glad to know!! Thankfully my interview brain freeze did not mean much..!!!!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Vay Cay

Vacation time..finally. I am not sure I'll fully relax until tomorrow afternoon. My mind has been swirling with finishing up year's end stuff and then a job interview that I had yesterday. And why? Why is it that I can talk at meetings, talk at committees about various topics but i go to an interview and literally i get brain freeze? I mean I literally stop in the middle of my thought and go blank. Nothing to be found or to retrieve from my normally busy brain. It has happened to me more than once at interviews. It is the only place where I get this type of anxiety that seems to have control over my brain. Thankfully my experience and resume have more going on than my brain did. I apologized and explained what was happening. They seemed very sympathetic and told me i was doing fine..but i walked away feeling like the biggest idiot. And I'm not. I have written articles about this stuff, these educational topics--and yet I couldn't fully answer one of the questions!! I did better as it went on..but of course I'm continually drawn to that moment where I lost track of who I was and where I was! I looked it up on the internet today. Read a whole article about it. Thank God for the internet. Anything you have or have felt--its there. Someone has felt it or written about it. Anyway, I should hear something within the next two weeks. I just need to stop beating myself up about the interview anxiety!! So onto the important things things like: 1. Big Brother All Stars-we get to choose who we want to come back into the house..and I definitely want Marcellus back, Kaysar, Howie and Janelle, and throw Jase in so I can laugh hysterically at his bizarre cockiness. I haven't really decided who else..just that they would be fun to watch. 2. Rockstar Supernova..starts in July. Ahhh another good summer guilty pleasure. 3.I want to read and read..and swim and sit by the pool in the sun...4. I want to walk for an hour a day like I have been doing a few times a week..5. I want to go on nature hikes with my son. 6. I want to eat popcorn and go to see Pirates of the Caribbean with my family..because no one makes a pirate sexy like Johnny Depp. 7. I want to drink lemonade eat strawberries.. 8. I want to drive with the windows down and my Pink CD blaring loudly.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I haven't posted since April. I really wanted to be done with blogging for a variety of reasons. Some of which were sadness and loss, as well as witnessing the changeover from blogging to invasion of others' privacy. With summer coming I do feel like writing more and so writing will take place..Somehow i'm drawn back in to doing it at least while I have more time coming up..Summer Vacation here I come. And I must say blogger has the most boring template choices there are. I am just not computer savvy enough to change my template into something better..More tomorrow! Good night...